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How to Void a Marriage
- April 27, 2017
- Divorce, General
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There are instances when a couple wants to dissolve a marriage but due to situations, may not want to go through a divorce procedure. These couples may then be looking at alternative routes, such as applying for an annulment, in which case they are effectively voiding the marriage. However, before they can even consider such […]
Read moreWoman Adultery
- November 25, 2015
- Divorce
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Increasingly, the Singapore family court has seen divorce cases where adultery committed by the wife is the ground for divorce. In such cases, it is typically assumed that the cheating spouse will be at a disadvantage. However, that may not always be the case. Custody of Children Although a wife may have committed adultery, the […]
Read moreChild Representative – w.e.f. October 2014
- November 18, 2015
- Child, General
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The Singapore Family Court recent initiatives saw it creating the role of a Child Representative. The Child Representative is a lawyer who is a neutral third party and elected to represent the child caught in a divorce tussle between his or her parents. The Child Representative’s role is to ensure that any decisions pertaining to […]
Read moreMediating A Divorce
- October 28, 2015
- Child, Divorce
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Going through a divorce can be an expensive affair, as well as an emotionally taxing one on all parties involved, not just the divorcing parties themselves but the people around them, especially if there are children involved. Mediation can thus be an avenue to resolve matters in a more effective and efficient manner, and to […]
Read moreAnnulment
- October 22, 2015
- Divorce
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An annulment is a different process from a divorce. An annulment perceives that a marriage had never existed in the first place and is a legal procedure that pronounces that marriage null and void. An annulment can be obtained on the grounds of: One of the parties was already legally married to someone else when […]
Read moreLiving Apart – Grounds for Divorce
- October 14, 2015
- Divorce
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In Singapore, couples applying for divorce have to prove that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, and in most cases these would constitute adultery, unreasonable behaviour or desertion. However, if none of the above reasons are applicable reasons for dissolving the marriage, and neither party is responsible for the breakdown of the marriage, then separation […]
Read moreThe 3 Year Rule – An Exception
- October 7, 2015
- Divorce, General
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Couples intending to file for divorce in Singapore have to satisfy the criteria of having been legally married for a period of 3 years before they are able to proceed. This rule under the Singapore law was drafted to protect the sanctity of marriage and to ensure that couples do not enter into marriage rashly […]
Read moreChild Support
- October 2, 2015
- Ancillary, Child
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When a couple applies for divorce in Singapore, the court will also look towards the welfare of any children in the marriage. The courts hold that it is the responsibility of the parent to maintain, or at least to contribute towards the maintenance of any children after a divorce is finalised, regardless of whether the […]
Read moreMarital Rape
- September 22, 2015
- Divorce, General
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Marital or spousal rape is defined as non consensual sex forced upon a spouse and can be categorised as domestic sexual violence. Previously, husbands forcing sex on their wives were not criminalised based on the traditional notion that they have a right to start a family. Husbands were also protected by religious institutions which condoned […]
Read moreDivorcing a Foreign Spouse
- September 2, 2015
- Divorce
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When a marriage breaks down, it can be a difficult and trying time for the parties concerned. Then comes the legal part, the divorce proceedings, and that can become contentious as well. The divorce procedure is already a painful process, but what if one of the spouses is not a Singaporean citizen? Would it then […]
How to Void a Marriage
April 27, 2017Woman Adultery
November 25, 2015Child Representative – w.e.f. October 2014
November 18, 2015Mediating A Divorce
October 28, 2015Annulment
October 22, 2015
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