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Cheap Divorce Lawyer

types of divorceDivorce can often times be a long drawn out and expensive affair, especially if there are disputes over ancillary matters, such as who will get control of assets and the matrimonial home. Legal fees are also often predicated upon the experience and reputation of the divorce lawyer.

However, under Singapore law, if the divorce is uncontested, then the matter can be resolved quickly, efficiently and at a low cost to both parties.

An uncontested divorce is based upon a case where both parties agree to obtain divorce and both agree on the grounds for divorce. In this instance, only a single lawyer is necessary to draw up and submit the necessary documentation to the court to terminate the marriage, which will of course negate a high cost.

The divorcing couple thus needs to ensure that they provide all necessary documentation to their divorce lawyer so as to expedite matters:

  • Both parties to have discussed and agreed on the grounds for divorce;
    • On the basis of No fault
      – the couple has been separated for at least 3 years and there is mutual agreement on the divorce or
      – there is not mutual consent but application can be made as the couple has been living separately for more than 4 years
    • Fault basis – adultery or unreasonable behaviour
  • Both parties to agree on who is to be allocated the plaintiff and the defendant
  • Maintenance of the wife
    • Maintenance is not required or
    • If maintenance is to be paid, the sum that has been agreed upon
    • Either lump sum payment or a specific monthly payment
  • Dividing the assets, including the family home
  • Costs – to be shared or to be borne by one spouse

The process of a simplified divorce is rather straightforward where only one lawyer is required. The lawyer drafts the divorce papers with statement of claims, terms of settlement, and a statement of particulars.

Both divorcing parties discuss the drafts and any amendments will then be made by the lawyer. The defendant, can, of course, seek legal counsel independently on the drafting of the divorce papers.

Should all be in order, both parties sign the divorce papers in the presence of the lawyer and the Commissioner of Oaths. The lawyer will then file the papers in court where a hearing date will be fixed for an uncontested divorce. Interim Judgement is then granted until Final Judgement is approved.